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Workday Survey Results

Workday Survey Results

Solve Consulting recently conducted a survey with Workday customers to determine key challenges and opportunities in generating the most business value from the Workday platform. We want to know exactly how to create Customer Success. Our focus was learning insights from hands on Workday users in order to generate important learnings for future Workday customers. Our survey spanned industries and Workday customer size.

Overall we saw statistically significant trends in specific areas that can inform future implementation plans. And for current Workday customers starting a Phase 2 or Phase 3, these learnings can help inform changes to the team, training or process.

In this article we cover four main questions. The first was "What recurring process in Workday do you find the most challenging?" Key takeaways:

- Payroll processing was the top answer from 37% of respondents.

- Managing semi-annual updates was second with 16%.

- All other answers were 10% or less of respondents.

Workday customers can benefit from being aggressive with staffing, training and process around payroll processing and proactive planning for Workday updates.

Our second question was "Which module would you improve or implement if budget was of no concern?" Key takeaways:

- Analytics was the clear winner with 32% of respondents.

- Dashboards and reporting was second with 20%.

This is a common theme we hear with Workday customers that have finished their initial implementation but now need to master analytics, dashboards and reporting to get all executives keyed in on the value that Workday provides. Looking at the survey, over 50% of respondents mentioned some version of these topics.

Our third question was "What aspect of day to day administration do you struggle with the most?" Key takeaways:

- Technical issues with Workday was number one with 26% of respondents

- Meeting reporting needs of the business was second with 21%.

The interest in reporting needs from this question echoes the response from our second question making this theme very consistent.

Our final question was "Thinking about your initial Workday implementation, what additional internal expertise would have helped you the most?". Key takeaways:

- Technical expert was a clear winner with 32% of respondents.

- Business analyst was in second place with 26% of respondents.

This learning is clear: over 50% of our survey respondents wished they had more technical expertise and business analyst capabilities during implementation. Future Workday customers should think about this deeply as they develop their own internal implementation teams.

Overall our survey results are consistent with our own day to day experiences helping customers maximize value from Workday to reach full "Customer Success". The good news is that all of these challenges are solvable with the right people, training, skills and process.

We look forward to integrating these learnings into our service offerings and continuing to focus in on the capabilities that help customers succeed the most.

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